The Staff of St Cuthbert’s School |
Senior Management Team
Headteacher DSL SENDco Pastoral Curriculum Performance Management |
Mrs S. Hobbs |
Deputy Headteacher RE |
Mrs R. Sullivan |
Assistant Headteacher EYFS Lead Deputy DSL English Co-ordinator |
Mrs C. Hodson |
Assistant Headteacher |
Mr T. Gallagher |
Class Teachers
Mr Gallagher (Monday) |
Year 6 |
Mrs Flaherty (Monday-Wednesday) |
Year 5 |
Miss I Taylor | Year 4 |
Miss S Taylor |
Year 3 |
Miss Smyth | Year 2 |
Miss Price | Year 1 |
Mrs Hodson |
Reception |
Mrs Graty (Monday to Wednesday) and Mrs Mehew (Thursday - Friday) | Nursery |
Mrs Baker |
Year 6, 5, 4 and 3 PPA Cover |
Mr Gallagher | Year 1 and Year 2 PPA Cover |
Mrs Graty | Reception PPA Cover |
Support Staff
Mrs Lines | Year 6 |
Mrs Arscott | Year 5 |
Mrs Parkes | Year 4 |
Mrs Layton | Year 3 |
Miss Ali | Year 2 |
Miss Tombs | Year 1 |
Mrs Boyle | Reception |
Miss Neason | Nursery |
Ms Khan | Nursery |
SEND Support Staff
Mrs Garvey | St Margaret of Castello Hub Staff |
Mrs Dennis | St Margaret of Castello Hub Staff |
Ms Jarvis | St Margaret of Castello Hub Staff |
Ms Silva | St Margaret of Castello Hub Staff |
Office Staff
Mrs Hargreaves | |
Mrs Badshah |
Once again our office staff are available and willing to help with any questions and queries however we ask you to remember that they may not know the answers to questions immediately and should always be spoken to in a polite manner – they are only here to help!
Maintenance and Cleaning
Mr Whitmore | School Caretaker |
Mrs McCabe | Cleaner |
Mrs Lawley | Cleaner |
Lunchtime Supervisors
Mrs Choudhary | Year 6 Lunchtime Supervisor |
Ms Pepper | Year 5 Lunchtime Supervisor |
Miss Qayum | Year 4 Lunchtime Supervisor |
Mrs Lawley | Year 3 Lunchtime Supervisor |
Mrs Spicer | Year 2 Lunchtime Supervisor |
Mrs Gardiner | Year 1 Lunchtime Supervisor |
Mrs Romney | Reception Lunchtime Supervisor |
We have an ‘open door’ policy which means that we are happy to talk to you about any concerns or queries. Teachers will be available at the beginning and the end of the day; and a member of the Senior Leadership Team will be happy to talk to you if you wish. We ask you to please bear in mind teaching responsibilities and that a teacher may not always be able to speak to you immediately. At St Cuthbert’s we are a community that thrives on communication but we do not tolerate rude or aggressive behaviour from any person – if you are upset about a school issue please come and talk to the Head or Assistant Heads but remember your manners.