St Cuthbert's RC Primary School

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School Uniform

The governing body of St Cuthbert's RC Primary School believes that a school uniform is important in building the pupils’ sense of identity and belonging to the community of the school. It instils a sense of pride in the school and supports positive behaviour. It is one of the symbols of the ethos of the school and protects children from social pressures whatever their race, religion, gender or background. 
There are other advantages to having a school uniform which are important to the governing body such as security. A uniform enables pupils to be identified easily and means that any intruders can be identified swiftly. 

All items of school uniform should be clearly labelled with the child’s name. 
It is important that children have sensible shoes for school with buckles or Velcro. 
Trainers are only part of the outdoor P.E. uniform and should not be worn at other times during the school day. Open-toed sandals, shoes with raised heels, clogs or mules should not be worn. These are not suitable for school especially at play times. 
In the interests of safety, no jewellery – chains, rings or decorative ear rings – may be worn in school. Stud earrings for pierced ears are acceptable. 
-Long hair should be tied back. 
-Nail polish and temporary tattoos are not acceptable as part of the school uniform. 
Standard ‘non-toy’ watches may be worn although the school cannot take responsibility for them and they must be removed for P.E. lessons. 

It is important that your child not only has black school pumps for indoor P.E. but trainers for outdoor P.E.  This is a change in policy, we can't allow children to do outdoor P.E. in school pumps or shoes, it just isn't safe or practical.  Our advice is for the children to have a pair of trainers that they can keep with their P.E. kit throughout the year.

To find more information about our school uniform follow this link: School Uniform