St Cuthbert's RC Primary School

  1. Curriculum
  2. Foundation Subjects
  3. Geography


At St Cuthbert’s we aim to promote an ambitious Geography Curriculum. There will be three main strands that the children will focus on. These are: Investigating places (understanding geographical locations), investigating patterns (physical features, human activity and its impact and the world’s natural resources) and the use of Geographical vocabulary (understanding geographical representations, vocabulary and techniques).

Intent: What we want our children to achieve whilst at St Cuthbert's


Geography is taught throughout the year at St Cuthbert’s. Each year group will study elements of how humans impact the environment as well as key map skills (studying our local area, understanding maps of the wider world etc.).  All planning is based around the aims of the National curriculum.

Children will also carry out educational field visits, to provide them with practical experiences i.e. visits to Brandon Marsh to carry out orienteering, use of our local rivers and lakes for case studies and visits to our local city centre.


Mrs Flaherty is Geography co-ordinator at St Cuthbert's School. She ensures that she monitors the impact of the learning across school. This is done through lesson observations, books trawls, pupil interviews, planning scrutinise and monitoring displays. Miss Flynn also arranges or delivers professional development staff meetings for the staff.
The governors of St Cuthbert's also support the school in monitoring the impact of Geography across the school. They have come in to observe lessons and look at books.  