St Cuthbert's RC Primary School

  1. Curriculum
  2. Core Subjects
  3. Mathematics


Our Intent
At Saint Cuthbert's School, our aim is that

1) Children become mathematically fluent in key areas of mathematics 
2) Children apply what they have learnt to different problems and feel secure in using key learning within a range of different problems. 
3) Children are able to use mathematical vocabulary and thinking to reason within all areas of the mathematics curriculum. 
4) Children are taught mathematical concepts as well as methods through the use of concrete and pictorial resources. 
5) All children achieve in mathematics and have a love of mathematics. 
6) Children are able to use mathematical learning in all areas of the curriculum (where possible). 

For this reason, we have adopted a 'teaching for mastery' approach to the provision of mathematics in our school. 

How we implement our vision for mathematics at Saint Cuthbert's Primary 

Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving
Fact Fluency
Fact fluency involves children being able to recall number facts quickly from their long term memory. In KS1 this learning relates to their number bonds and in KS2 this relates to their multiplication and division facts. This important skills is developed through rehearsal, song and games.

Conceptual Fluency
Conceptual Fluency is about children understanding what they are doing. For example, in subtraction, in Year 1 children are able to see that when we subtract an amount is taken from the whole amount. This learning throughout the school is vital and the majority of lesson time is about children becoming fluent in what they are learning. This can be through the use of concrete or pictorial resources to begin with them moving to mathematical statements. Once this children have grasped this then seeing the mathematical learning in a real life situation will further embed their learning. 

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Once children have become fluent in a concept then the teacher will introduce being able to reason and problem solve. Reasoning is about being able to talk about the learning. This often is open ended and is completed through discussion. Problem solving is being able to use the learning in a new and unfamiliar way. 

Concrete and Pictorial Resources
From Year 1 to Year 6 the use of concrete (objects you can hold) and pictorial (objects you can see) resources are used to help to develop the children's ability to grasp new mathematical concepts and see the maths behind the teaching of new topics. Some children will rely less on these to embed new concepts whereas others will need them for much longer. 

In order to become fluent in their learning, like all subjects, key vocabulary in mathematics is vital and is an important part of giving children the tools to reason with their learning. Mathematic vocabulary is introduced to the children when they need it for their learning. It will be present on the mathematics display board in every classroom and modelled and used by the class teacher. 

How we measure the impact of provision at Saint Cuthbert's School


Class Assessments
Throughout the lesson, the teacher will use mini assessments to see which children have grasped concepts covered within the lesson. This assessment is then used to see which children need scaffolding through the use of concrete or pictorial resources, which children require guided practice and which children need further challenge through the use of problem solving and reasoning. This effective daily assessment is used to ensure that children throughout their mathematics journey are given the tools they need to succeed. 

Formal Assessment
One way we measure the progress of children from Year 1 - 6 is to complete termly formal assessments. Children will complete an arithmetic paper, which focuses on fact fluency and a reasoning paper, which focuses on the children's ability to use calculations they have learnt through problem solving and reasoning. These results are then analysed to assess gaps in children's learning so that targeted intervention can take place. 


At the end of Year 2 and Year 6 children will complete their SATs. These are national tests which the children complete at the end of each Key Stage to measure long term progress. The children and staff work really hard throughout the year to prepare for these assessments. 

Throughout the year, the Mathematics Co-ordinator will monitor the provision your children receive. This is through Lesson Observations, Book Trawls and Data analysis. The findings will then be turned into actions in how we can improve the teaching and learning within the school. 

Every child from Year 3 to 6 have access to Times Tables Rockstars. This fun and interactive website allows your child to build their fluency in times tables. Whilst learning their multiplication and division facts, children can earn coins and buy accessories for their avatar. Throughout the Spring and Summer Terms, House and Class competitions will be held known as 'Battle of the Bands' to further encourage your child/children to practice their tables. 

The purpose of homework is to allow children to build their fluency in all areas of mathematics. This is why, as a school, we have chosen the Schofield and Simms Mental Maths books. Each class will set a weekly test which will allow children to practice different concepts from all strands of the curriculum. 

Books will be chosen to suit the needs of your child. Each week these books will be marked and any misconceptions will be addressed in the lesson.

When supporting your children at home, we encourage the child to try to complete each question independently first, then support from an adult can be given if they are struggling with a question.