St Cuthbert's Primary Catholic School is a Voluntary Aided School and adheres to the Birmingham Diocesan Admissions Policy. There is a copy of this policy avaliable of this page this clearly explains the admissions criteria that the school adheres to, please read it carefully and if you have any questions contact the School Office.
Our PAN (Published Admissions Number) is 30 pupils per class and we have waiting lists for all classes in the school; this is set and reviewed by the governors annually.
Please note that you must complete a Local Authority Application online, applying to the school allows us to rank applications through the documentation you give us however the Local Authority MUST receive an online application from you - applying directly to the school is NOT enough. There is a strict deadline to apply for a Reception Class Place online and it is published on the Council website.
(1) Read through the Admissions Policy and check that your child meets one of the points on the Admissions Criteria
(2) Apply to the School - you will be asked to fill in a number of forms that you can print off and fill in below.
(3) You need to give the School a copy of your child's BIRTH CERTIFICATE and BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE (if they have been Baptised) and a PROOF OF ADDRESS DOCUMENT (Council Tax Bill etc).
(4) Applying for a Reception School place, Birmingham Admissions ask you to apply on-line only at the following website address: The option of using a paper form is no longer available.
(5) You will hear from the Local Authority about your child's school place - if you haven't got a place at St Cuthbert's you can appeal. Please click the link below to understand the appeals process.
You must apply online to Birmingham Admissions - if you apply after the Admissions deadline it will be classed as a Late Application. The School Admissions Code (2.3) is clear that a Local Authority’s Common Application Form (CAF) ‘is required to be returned to the local authority in the area that they live (the ‘home’ authority)’.
St Cuthbert's School Application Form
If you have any questions about your child starting at school, or how to obtain places in other year groups, please contact the Children's Information and Advice Service 0121 303 1888.
St. Cuthbert's Nursery has 52 part time places. 26 morning places and 26 afternoon places. If you fulfil the criteria, a full time place can be offered - please check on the www,childcarechoices government website to get an eligibility code.
Children start Nursery in the September after they are 3 years old.
Please apply directly to the School for a place in Nursery. You will need to complete some forms and bring your child's BIRTH CERTIFICATE and PROOF OF ADDRESS.
The School will send you confirmation of a Nursery place and you will be asked to reply to the school by returning an acceptance slip.
If you have a child who has not started St Cuthbert's in Reception but you would like to apply you just need come to the School Office and complete the admissions forms bringing your child's BIRTH CERTIFICATE, BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE and PROOF OF ADDRESS.
The School will let you know whether they can take your child (i.e. do they have space) and if they can't where they are ranked on the class waiting list. If there is no place but you feel you have a case you can complete an appeals form and your application will be heard by an independent panel.