St Cuthbert's RC Primary School

  1. Curriculum
  2. Foundation Subjects
  3. History


History at St Cuthbert’s Primary School is based on three main curriculum drivers: investigating and interpreting the past, understanding chronology and communicating historically.


We have designed a history curriculum that is linked by a golden thread – How and why people travel. By linking all our history learning we believe that our children will understand the impact travel has had on history; from exploration, to trade; from adventure to travelling for safety the children of St Cuthbert's should understand why people traveled, how they traveled and the impact that had.


Intent: What we want our children to achieve whilst St Cuthbert's:

Implement: How we will achieve our aims

History is taught throughout the year at St Cuthbert’s; as well as class lessons we ensure that each class have an experience related to their history topic – from visiting the seaside to going to the Slavery museum in Liverpool; we give the children the opportunity to see primary sources and immerse themselves in different experiences of learning.

We are also working on building up good quality resources, from artifact boxes to news sites, and are a member of the historical society which gives advice on teaching history throughout the school.

The staff at St Cuthbert's work hard to ensure that all our children, whatever their need, can access the history curriculum and develop the skills set out above.

History: Units of Study

We also use our Cultural Capital lessons in KS2 to look at key elements of Ancient Greece.

Impact:How we measure the provision we have given to the children
To ensure that children make progress throughout their school life in History, the curriculum provided to the children will have a progressive set of skills attached to each unit. Children will be taught those skills and given the opportunity to use them in their own history work. Please see the link below to see what skills your children will be learning. 

Mrs Hoyle is history co-ordinator at St Cuthbert's School. She ensures that she monitors the impact of the learning across school. This is done through lesson observations, books trawls, pupil interviews, planning scrutinise and monitoring displays. Mrs Hoyle also arranges or delivers professional development staff meetings for the staff.
The governors of St Cuthbert's also support the school in monitoring the impact of history across the school. They have come in to observe lessons and look at books.